
Your Project, By Design.

Thorough requirements gathering, detailed analysis and battle plan development, we achieve innovation.


Where it all Begins.

Setting a solid target is imperative to ensuring that the whole team is heading in the same direction, towards success.  Our diverse skill sets enable us to tap into a wide range of avenues, enabling us to innovate creative direction and way points for making  your vision into a reality.  We provide both long term strategic analysis support as well as incremental delivery plans aimed at supporting you in setting your activities course and achieving them.


Requirements Gathering

Setting a Clear Pathway.

Supporting requirements analysis, architectural construction and relationship definition, functional decomposition and allocation, and program and technology roadmapping. We provide a right-fit, engagement-centric, level of systems architect, engineering, and analysis support at all tiers so that you can select exactly how much support is required to render engagement in the process.

Program Management

Your Partner through it All.

From stakeholder analysis, acquisition, and management support to Market Assessments and for commercial industry insertion, IA product providers We are there with you every step of the way. This includes Business Strategy and Operations Studies for commercial industry integrators, IA product providers and commercial client support for the development of proposals to U.S. Government Military Services and Federal agencies.